Last Updated: February 18, 2025
Here are the most frequently asked questions about dehumidifiers that you should know to have a flawless experience with your device.
Let’s begin
Dehumidifiers FAQs and their answers
Q1. Why do I need a Dehumidifier?
A. A dehumidifier extracts excess humidity from the environment, and suitably humidifies your space. Proper humidity levels are crucial for your home or any other place that you have, and everything you’re keeping in it, as excess moisture can breed mold, mildew, and a barrage of similar issues. Not only that, but excess can also be harmful to your health. A dehumidifier’s function is to achieve the ideal level of humidity that you should keep, which is around 40-50%.
Best dehumidifiers to get rid of mold
Q2. What’s the difference between a humidifier and a dehumidifier?
A. Both the humidifier and the dehumidifier are responsible for maintaining the humidity levels of your environment. A humidifier is a device, which adds humidity to the less humid spaces, and restores the moisture to the ideal levels (40-50%).
Whereas, a dehumidifier comes in use if the humidity levels have exceeded the ideal amount. By removing the excess humidity, a dehumidifier brings the moisture content in the environment back to normal.
Q3. Which Dehumidifier should I get?
A. Choosing a dehumidifier for your space doesn’t have to be complicated. You need to keep a few things in mind before you make that decision. You can begin by ascertaining the requirements of your room/ house (the space for humidification). Then, finding a reliable manufacturer should be a priority. Look for the units that are within your budget and have features that you find convenient, such as auto shut- off, Indicators, continuous drainage, and so on.
Interested to know more? Here – Various Dehumidifier Types and Which one to Choose?
Q4. How often do I need to use my Dehumidifier?
A. It depends on a variety of factors. The most crucial determinant is how much moisture is there in your room. If you have a highly humid space, your dehumidifier will work long hours to get the environment back to normal. It is also the case with the wet season, and areas like basements, crawlspaces. With many dehumidifiers, you can set the desired humidity level that you want to achieve, and when the device reaches that level, it automatically shuts off. Auto-start is also a feature in some dehumidifiers. You should look at your space’s humidity content to determine what time duration is ideal for you.
Q5. What is Porting?
A. When you use the exterior drain line to drain the moisture out of your dehumidifier, it is porting, and it involves the use of a plastic or rubber hose for emptying the excess moisture. Porting is possible in a dehumidifier that features a port for continuous draining.
You can use the port for gravity draining. All you have to do is to place the dehumidifier at a height from the nearest drain. You use the port and the hose to direct the water down the drain. In case your dehumidifier has a condensate pump, draining becomes easier. A condensate pump can move the water over horizontal distance or even vertically.
Q6. What’s the right placement for my Dehumidifier?
A. If you have a whole-house dehumidifier, a central location is ideal. If that’s possible, the whole house dehumidifier will be able to do the most from there. You can try hallways from where the dehumidifier can cover all rooms. If that’s not possible, place it in a room where the humidity levels are the highest.
For smaller, portable units, it’s easier to determine the placement. Either the middle of the room is ideal, or you can choose an elevated location that’s away from the wall (ideally six inches away from the walls). There shouldn’t be any obstacles in the way which can impede the airflow.
Q7. How much will it cost me to run the dehumidifier?
A. The cost of a dehumidifier depends on the specifications of your dehumidifier, as well as the moisture content of the space that you’re trying to dehumidify. The more your dehumidifier will have to run to maintain the ideal levels, the more it will cost you. Energy star rated models usually consume less energy, and are a good option.
Other than that, buying a dehumidifier that can adequately dehumidify your room is ideal. A smaller unit will have to run continuously to dehumidify an enormous space, while an ideal dehumidifier will normalize in less time and with less energy. Typically, a dehumidifier can cost you anywhere from $5 to $30 in bills every month.
Q8. What features should I look for in a Dehumidifier?
A. First of all, you should consider the capacity and coverage of the dehumidifier and compare it with the requirements of your space. Once you’ve contemplated that, you can then move on to looking at the features that can make your experience more convenient. These features include digital humidistat, various alerts like the full tank or faulty device, continuous drainage, inbuilt condensate pump, and so on. Smart controls, as well as safety features like auto shut off, auto defrost, auto restart, etc., are also to be appreciated.
Q9. What is the mechanism behind the dehumidifiers?
A. The process of dehumidification is simple, for the most part. Firstly, the fan inside the dehumidifier draws the warm, moist air into the device. Inside the dehumidifier, air sits on the cold coils, and it is cooled. When the air is cold, the moisture condenses, and it is collected in the condensate bucket. When the bucket is full, you need to empty it so the cycle can begin again.
The cold air then passes on and is heated by the heat recovery system. This slightly warm, and fresh air is then released into the room, and the process continues.
Q10. Can I use the water out of my dehumidifier to water my house plants?
A. Your Dehumidifier removes the excess moisture from the air, which, when passed through your dehumidifier, turns into water. You need to empty this water, and usually, people throw it out. However, if you’re thinking of watering your plants with this water, think again.
Since this water may contain a lot of biological contaminants, including mold, mildew, algae, and so on, it is not a wise decision to water your plants that you might eat later with this water. There may also be lead or other metal residues from the device that may be harmful as well. For other plants, you can try watering them with it for a short while and continue according to how they respond.
Q11. What to do when the dehumidifier is not working correctly?
A. If your dehumidifier is not working correctly, or is not working at all, there can be a lot of different reasons behind that. Firstly, unplug it and check to see if your plug or the PowerPoint is not faulty or damaged. In case the dehumidifier is producing more noise, you can remove the cover to check on the fan. Some dehumidifiers are not ideal for colder environments, and the coils can freeze up. You should turn it off and restart when it is safe.
Other than that, try to keep the dehumidifier clean and well- maintained. If you don’t understand what’s wrong, call an expert.
Q12. Is it necessary to keep the room closed while the dehumidifier is working?
A. Each dehumidifier has a certain amount of area that it can adequately cover, and, when you open the door to your room, you unknowingly increase the area that your dehumidifier needs to cover.
When that happens, the dehumidifier will take a long time to get your room back to normal. Not only that, but the dehumidifier will also consume more energy, and will end up making no useful change, at least not in the same way it’s supposed to be doing.
Q13. How should I take care of my Dehumidifier?
A. There’s not a lot to taking care of your dehumidifier. Firstly, make sure that the power points are not faulty before you plug in your device. While it’s operating, keep your ears open for strange noises, and if there are any, check the dehumidifier. Do regular maintenance on the device, and clean it every two weeks or so. Replace the filters when it’s time. Do not use your dehumidifier in low temperatures as the coils can freeze, and the device can stop working. If you can, avoid using hard water. These are a few things you can do to evade damaging your dehumidifier.
Q14. I no longer use my dehumidifier, where should I put it?
A. In the months when there’s no need for your dehumidifier, you don’t have to keep it outside. You can store it away in a suitable place, like your storage room, basement, or any dry, clean space you have available.
Before putting your dehumidifier away, however, you should do a thorough clean up. After drying it off, and making sure that each component is clean, you can proceed to pack it, and put it away. When you’re about to use it again next season, repeat the cleaning process before you start it.