6 Best Dehumidifiers For Hardwood Floors (Buying Guide 2024)

6 Best Dehumidifiers For Hardwood Floors (Buying Guide 2024)

Dehumidifiers, News
Many homeowners desire wooden flooring due to their aesthetic designs, durability, and convenience, and are willing to spend thousands of dollars. Well maintained hardwood floors can last for generations; however, it is durable but not invincible and requires regular care and maintenance. Wood is a natural material, and even after being transformed into flooring, it is sensitive to environmental factors such as extreme temperatures and high humidity. When moist Wood expands, but it contracts again when the air is dry and temperature drops. Hardwood floors dry out when there is not enough moisture in the air. Laminate flooring solid woods and even engineered flooring are all vulnerable to the effects of humidity. Manufacturers recommend that humidity should be kept between 40-70% How Humidity Affects Wood As per the National Wood…
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Best Dehumidifier and Air Purifier Combo – Buyer’s Guide

Best Dehumidifier and Air Purifier Combo – Buyer’s Guide

Air Purifiers, Dehumidifiers, News
Prolonged exposure to bad indoor air may put us at risk for several ailments. The situation can worsen if you have a pet or suffer from a respiratory disorder or some allergy form. An air purifier is used to eliminate harmful components from the air.   These machines use filters and fans to remove particles and circulate the purified air back into the room. Areas with hot, humid conditions can become a breeding ground for pests, leading to mold and mildew growth. It can also intensify allergy triggers and threaten your house, including the structure, surfaces, and condition. A dehumidifier facilitates the removal of moisture by drying the surrounding air. See also: Best Air Conditioner Dehumidifier Combo Best Heater Humidifier Combo These machines are equipped with cooled metal fins with…
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5 Best Dehumidifiers For Garage In Summer and Winter (Buying Guide)

5 Best Dehumidifiers For Garage In Summer and Winter (Buying Guide)

Dehumidifiers, News
Your garage is a part of the house, and it is crucial to keep it well-maintained. For all the applications the garage has, for storing your tools, keeping spares, etc., it can also become counterproductive if you leave it unattended. Especially if the humidity levels are spiking, the garage can be a perfect place for the formation of mold and mildew.  Excess humidity is not ideal for the interior of your garage.  High humidity can be a result of flooding, water leakage, other environmental factors, and you should keep that in mind before looking for a solution. For this, you can start by looking into dehumidifiers. Dehumidifiers bring the humidity level back to an optimal level from excess. These devices remove excess moisture, in different ways, and make the inside…
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5 Best Whole House Console Humidifiers (Evaporative) 2024

5 Best Whole House Console Humidifiers (Evaporative) 2024

Best Humidifiers, News
Nobody truly feels comfortable in an environment without proper humidity. Low humidity can have adverse health effects like the dryness of skin and hair, nosebleeds, dry lips, allergies, and asthma triggers, etc. Not only that, but low humidity can also ruin your home and other belongings. So, keeping the environment in your house between thirty to fifty percent, depending on your requirement, is ideal. A humidifier is the most logical choice in this case. Choosing the ideal humidifier involves considering the budget, manufacture, features, specifications, and other similar factors. There's also the right humidifier's size and type of the humidifier. You can choose from Evaporative humidifier to Ultrasonic, Impeller, and other humidifier classes. Then there's ideal sizing based on the area you want to humidify. Optimizing these will leave you with a…
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How to Install a Humidifier to Your Furnace

How to Install a Humidifier to Your Furnace

How to, Humidifiers, News
Dry winter air wreaks havoc on the skin and respiratory system. While heating systems do a satisfactory job of warming the air, they also reduce the level of humidity in the air drastically, which can lead to aggravated respiratory ailments, allergies, asthma flare-ups, dry scaly skin, etc. Wood floors and indoor furniture pieces may lose moisture and contract, leading to unsightly cracks, warps, and separations. Moreover, static electricity can flourish, causing unexpected and painful shocks as well as potential damage to electronic equipment. Why Do You Need a Humidifier? Humidifiers are typically used in colder months to combat dry air and it can also play a key role in alleviating symptoms of a variety of health conditions and improving indoor comfort. Humidifiers are also helpful if you are living in…
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Best of Electronic Cigar Humidifiers

Best of Electronic Cigar Humidifiers

Best Humidifiers, News
Are you looking to buy an electronic cigar humidifier? Here's everything you need to know while choosing the best electronic cigar humidifier that suits your need. Low humidity not only is a piece of bad news for your health and home, but it's also not very good for your belongings either. Low humidity can damage books, documents, art, furniture, and a lot more. If you're a cigar enthusiast, low humidity can destroy the flavor and overall texture of your cigar. Using a humidifier is a good idea in this case. But sometimes, your humidor may not be that well covered by the room or whole house humidifier. Best Electronic Cigar Humidifiers Ideal For Buy Link Cigar Oasis Excel 3.0 Electronic Humidifier 1- 4 cubic feet Buy Cigar Oasis Plus 3.0 4-…
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Different Types of Dehumidifiers – What to Use and When

Different Types of Dehumidifiers – What to Use and When

Dehumidifiers, News
In environments getting damper by the day, a dehumidifier unit can be of great use. A dehumidifier removes any excess moisture in your immediate environment, making it more comfortable. It helps keep the environment fresh and air dry and comfortable. Excess humidity can strike anywhere, and by choosing the right dehumidifier for any given place requires information.   Searching for the right fit for your needs requires looking at various factors that determine if you have your eyes on the right one. One of these factors has to be all the different kinds of dehumidifiers available in the market.  But, before you begin, what you should do is, find out the scope of the problem, i.e., the area affected, and the quantity of excess moisture. Based on that, you can skim…
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Do I Need a Dehumidifier for My Garage and How to Choose One?

Do I Need a Dehumidifier for My Garage and How to Choose One?

Dehumidifiers, News
Apart from large doors, garages do not have any means for air to circulate freely. This lack of ventilation can result in higher humidity levels, leading to moisture build-up on floors and walls. Over time, this can have devastating results. Low winter temperatures, followed by spring and early summer's rising humidity, can make your garage and home vulnerable to excess moisture. When excessive water vapor in the atmosphere encounters the cold garage floor, it leads to condensation, resulting in water droplets appearing on the floor, also known as floor "sweating." It is particularly prevalent in areas with higher humidity levels. Condensation issues get worsened by parked vehicles covered in moisture during snowy or rainy seasons. Some homeowners also have to deal with standing water due to soaked vehicles parked into…
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5 Best Humidifiers For Plants and Indoor Garden (Buying Guide)

5 Best Humidifiers For Plants and Indoor Garden (Buying Guide)

Best Humidifiers, Humidifiers, News
Choosing the right plants for your interior is a whole process. Home plants are a lot more than mere decorative. That is why plants in modern houses are a common sight. Bringing home plants means you have to be thorough in maintenance. That means watering them, fertilizing, giving them sun, pruning, etc. Another factor you have to consider is humidity. Plants require proper moisture to thrive, and low humidity is not suitable for their proper growth. In the worst cases, the plant can wilt away. In recent studies, it has been found that low humidity in the air is more stressful for the plant than dry soil. A quality humidifier goes a long way in solving the problem of low humidity. Humidifiers add moisture to the air and help in…
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WINIX 5500-2 Air Purifier In-depth Review 2024

WINIX 5500-2 Air Purifier In-depth Review 2024

Air Purifiers, News
Asthma is an inflammatory and allergic disease. It gets aggravated when exposed to indoor allergens and causes inflammation in the airways of the lungs. As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, common triggers of allergies and asthma include dust, tobacco smoke, mold, pollen, and household pets. These contaminants vary in size. When these clients make their way to your lungs, they can cause untold damage. According to the EPA, one of the best ways to get rid of pollutants in the air is using an air purifier. Air purifiers have robust filtration systems made of fibrous media. These filters can capture particles of different sizes that allow you and your family to get to breathe clean, fresh air. The Winix 5500-2 air purifier is made by Winix, a…
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