5 Best 50-Pint Dehumidifiers (Buying Guide 2024)

5 Best 50-Pint Dehumidifiers (Buying Guide 2024)

Dehumidifiers, News
What's that on that corner of your wall? Is it mold? If that's the case, you might be dealing with the problem of high humidity. What has high humidity got to do with mold, you ask? High humidity on its own isn't the biggest worry for your property (Although it is annoying for you, and can be damaging as well). However, it creates the perfect environment for bacterial and fungal growth, which in turn can affect you as well as your property. That's why it is crucial to say vigilant to these signs, and get proper help to remedy the problem. There are many ways to deal with excess humidity, and most of these methods are simple. They require a few easily acquirable ingredients and are easy to make. However, they're…
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6 Best Dehumidifiers for Gun Safe and How to Buy The Right One

6 Best Dehumidifiers for Gun Safe and How to Buy The Right One

Dehumidifiers, News
Most individuals would go to any extent for their family's safety, which sometimes includes purchasing a gun. Buying a gun safe is essential for storing your firearms when not in use and kept away from family and safe from accidental discharges, ill-usage as well as burglary. However, just buying a gun safe is not always enough to keep your firearms secure, as though it will keep guns securely, but a gun safe cannot defend itself or gun from high humidity levels. Metal is reactive to moisture, and excess humidity in the air can trigger metals to rust and corrode over time, with the top layer of the metal can slowly start to flake off. One of the biggest problems in keeping a gun in a safe is that humidity levels…
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5 Best Dehumidifiers For Bedroom – Buyer’s Guide 2024

5 Best Dehumidifiers For Bedroom – Buyer’s Guide 2024

Dehumidifiers, News
The bedroom is meant to rest and relax. Unfortunately, if you live in a place with high humidity, the house's heat and humidity can make it uncomfortable to sleep. High moisture levels can become a breeding ground for mold, mildew, and allergens. Left unchecked, your bedroom may turn into a stale-smelling room that brings you allergies and restless sleep. Apart from hot, humid weather, condensation laden windows are a common occurrence during the winter months. The problem is exacerbated on single glazed windows or older double glazed units where thermal efficiency is much lower. Condensation is caused by the moisture released by breathing and sweating during sleep in the night. As per research, we exhale up to 300 – 500 milliliters of water every day and can sweat out up…
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Best Humidifiers for Eczema and How to Choose The One That Suits you

Best Humidifiers for Eczema and How to Choose The One That Suits you

Best Humidifiers, News
Eczema, derived from the Greek word "ekzein," which means "to boil," is a chronic skin ailment where patches of skin become red, itchy, swollen, inflamed and scaly. As per the nationaleczema.org, more than 30 million people in the U.S. are affected by Eczema, while in the U.K., one in five children and one in twelve adults have Eczema. Eczema commonly develops in infants, while most children have a substantial improvement in their condition as they grow up, however, in some cases, severe Eczema persists into adulthood. The specific cause of Eczema has remained unknown. It is generally triggered by a combination of genetic and environmental factors such as Irritants (soap, shampoos, detergents), allergens (pollen, mold, dust mites), extreme temperatures, and food products (nuts, dairy products). Type of Eczema: ATOPIC DERMATITIS…
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Best Humidifier and Diffuser Combo Units – Buyer’s Guide 2024

Best Humidifier and Diffuser Combo Units – Buyer’s Guide 2024

Humidifiers, News
Are you looking to buy a Humidifier and Diffuser Combo? Here's everything you need to know while choosing the best diffuser humidifier that suits your need. Optimal humidity levels are essential to maintain health and comfort, especially during the winter months when the air in indoor spaces becomes dry. Humidifiers help regulate air moisture to improve dry conditions, so you can sleep easier at night and breathe better during the day. They help treat conditions such as dry skin, irritation, and even some symptoms caused by the common cold. An oil diffuser uses ultrasonic technology or controlled air movement to diffuse essential oils in the air for aromatherapy purposes. You can mix a few drops of the concentrated essential oil with water into the tank, and the diffuser disperses a cool…
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How to Buy a Dehumidifier in 2024 – A Complete Buying Guide

How to Buy a Dehumidifier in 2024 – A Complete Buying Guide

Dehumidifiers, News
Humidity above 50% level is the perfect setting for mites, bacteria and mold to breed as well as for infections to trigger. Such situations are referred to as ‘dampness’. This is highly common in your bathrooms, closets, basement, etc. Musty smells and mold formations are some of the evident signs. If your space fits this condition, it is time you look out for the right de-damp solution – dehumidifiers! While buying one, like any other device, it is imperative you take into account your specific requirements and the available features. That is your first step towards a perfect buy, isn’t it? You do not need to worry with the long list of points coming into your mind right now. We already have it ready for your use! Step-by-step buying guide…
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Best RV Dehumidifiers to Buy in 2024

Best RV Dehumidifiers to Buy in 2024

Dehumidifiers, News
Like any house, a recreational vehicle, or RV, provides a place for you to relax, work, and live. It is a lifestyle choice, especially if you have a traveler's heart. Your RV, like any home, needs to be taken care of properly. Lack of moisture can make your house on wheels uncomfortable to inhabit, especially when you passing through an area with lower humidity levels. Although you may have less of your stuff in there, it is still at risk from the elements.  But, there's a simple solution to this. You can get a humidifier to humidify your RV, and to maintain the right levels of humidity inside. This way, no matter where you are, you don't have to worry about the outside environment. The inside of your RV will…
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Best Humidifiers For Pregnancy – Buyer’s Guide 2024

Best Humidifiers For Pregnancy – Buyer’s Guide 2024

Best Humidifiers, News
Getting pregnant is a magical and important part of a woman's life. There's nothing as exciting knowing that you've got a little person growing inside of you. However, it is challenging to stay healthy during pregnancy as, due to low immunity, mothers are at a higher risk of getting sick. Humidity and Its Challenges during Pregnancy During pregnancy, women produce high levels of estrogen and progesterone that increase blood flow throughout their bodies, leading to swollen mucous membranes in the nose.  Also, mucous production is higher during pregnancy as the body erects an extra barrier against germs, leading the expecting mother to experience a stuffy nose and possibly nosebleeds. Low humidity leads to dry air that can cause a lot of problems. Dry air dries out your nose and throat.…
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Aprilaire 865 Whole House Steam Humidifier Review

Aprilaire 865 Whole House Steam Humidifier Review

Humidifiers, News
Low humidity can be as annoying as high humidity. Winter is the host of a less humid environment. It gets all the more difficult as it contributes to several health issues and damages your in-house objects.  That is where humidifiers come in to play, helping people ease into the harshness of the weather. Low humidity is known to increase the risks of breathing issues, chapped skin on lips, nose and other areas, and nasal and throat infections. It allows for various bacteria, viruses, fungi, and dust mites to fester in your home areas, making it difficult for you to go through the season.   To solve the problem of low humidity, people opt for high quality and efficient humidifiers for their homes. The screening process can get quite confusing, making it…
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Best Water Damage Restoration Dehumidifiers (Buying Guide 2024)

Best Water Damage Restoration Dehumidifiers (Buying Guide 2024)

Dehumidifiers, News
Whether it's accidental, climatic, or caused by something else, a high level of humidity is not ideal. Not only does it weaken the architecture little by little, but it also provides a cozy environment for mold, mildew, and bacterial growth. That can further deteriorate structures, ruin the belongings, and threaten the safety of inhabitants of such a place. Know how dehumidifiers help prevent mold growth. To this problem, the best solution is dehumidification, ideally with a  dehumidifier. Dehumidifiers effectively restore the problematically humid place to a desirable state. By removing the excess humidity, these devices make the environment fit for living. The type of dehumidifier you may need depends on the situation you need to remedy. Whether it's a seasonal occurrence, an accidental leak, or flood damage, different situations require…
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