How to Dehumidify a Room Without Using a Dehumidifier

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Last Updated: February 21, 2025

Too much humidity is a nuisance, especially when you don’t have any way of dealing with it. It not only creates a hellish environment to be in, but it is also a breeding ground for mold, bacteria, and all kinds of unwanted elements. All these elements, along with a multitude of bad odors, can render anyone unmotivated, and frustrated. 

That’s why dealing with excessive humidity right away is a good idea. Over time, it can damage your health, your furniture, and the overall interior of your living space. 

Whenever the topic of excessive humidity arises, the term dehumidifier comes to mind. Dehumidifiers are devices that bring the humidity level in your space back to normal. These machines are efficient, but they do have a price tag. 

If you’re looking for more natural ways to solve the problem, to gain temporary relief from the excessive humidity, you have a couple of options. These methods are simple, and you can try them to see what works for you.

In this article, we’re also going to discuss how the dehumidifiers can help in bringing your room humidity back to the normal. 

How to dehumidify room

So, let’s start with the methods that don’t involve using a dehumidifier –

Making sure that the air-flow is Good – 

If you don’t have a dehumidifier, you can make sure that air flow is good so that the air in the room is fresh. Standing air is humid, and that’s why you should keep it moving, and here’s how – 

  • If you have an air conditioning unit, see if it has controls to adjust the humidity. Many air conditioners have those these days. The optimal humidity level is in between 50-60. 
  • Don’t keep the windows shut, and let them open once in a while to let the humidity out. Doing this helps in keeping the air flowing and stopping the condensation on the walls and windows. 
  • Using a fan helps to keep the air flowing and reduces water vapor. Using a fan that has exhaust settings can help clear out the dank air and improving the room environment.

Using an absorbent to reduce humidity – 

You can use an absorbent such as Silica gel. You might have seen silica gel packs along with packaged goods to save them from any harm due to extra moisture. You can use the packets that you have, or you can easily procure these from the market as well. You can use these by placing in the areas where moisture accumulates, and these will absorb that moisture to keep the humidity out. Generally, about a hundred grams of silica gel can absorb up to twenty-five grams of water. Based on this, you can estimate how much of silica gel you require for your space. Using silica gel can be a little expensive as well, so here are some alternates for this – 

  • You can make use of baking soda. Baking soda effectively soaks up any excess moisture in your space. You can place baking soda in different places throughout the home, and the excessive humidity in the room will drop. 
  • You can use coal blocks for absorbing moisture in the room. It is an effective way of dealing with excessive moisture. 
  • You can place rock salt for absorbing the excess moisture out of air. For this, you’re going to need two containers. One of these containers needs to have small holes on sides, and in the bottom. Now, you can place this container inside the other one, and fill it with rock salt. All the absorbed moisture will get collected in the outer container, which you can empty once in a while.

A few other things that you can do to remedy the excessive humidity are – 

    • Check for any water leaks in the house. If there’s any water leakage, it can hinder your efforts to decrease the humidity level. First, do a thorough search and see if there’s any leak inside the house. After fixing it, you can try methods to fix it. 
    • If you have many plants inside your apartment, keep them outside. Some of these plants produce humidity.
    • If the humidity levels are high when it’s cold, you can use a space heater to decrease the moisture.

These are a few methods you can use to deal with excessive humidity in your home. Of course, you can also opt for a dehumidifier to do the same Dehumidifiers are a little pricey, but effective. 

Here is how they work –

Working of a Dehumidifier- 

On one side of the dehumidifier, warm air gets sucked in through the griller and is drawn inward by an electric fan. This air then passes pipes containing coolant. The coolant is circulated with the help of a pump and a processor. The moisture air contains turns into a liquid, as the air cools. A collecting tray is used to collect this liquid, which you need to empty once in a while. 

Air free of moisture is heated back to room temperature by passing it through a heating element. This warm, dry air exits through the grille on the other side of the dehumidifier.

A dehumidifier takes a lot less effort from your part in bringing the humidity back to normal, and it is more effective than other remedies. But again, it all depends on what your space requires. 

We hope that this article helped you find the right dehumidification solution for your space.

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