5 Common Humidifier Installation Mistakes and How You can Avoid Them

Home / How to / 5 Common Humidifier Installation Mistakes and How You can Avoid Them

Last Updated: February 20, 2025

Humidity levels inside your home can fluctuate due to a variety of reasons. Whether it’s dry season or leaky pipes, fluctuating humidity spells trouble for your health and possessions. Thanks to advancements in technology, however, humidity levels can be fixed and maintained.

A humidifier is the best course of action if the humidity inside your house is lacking. Humidifier picks up the humidity levels to your preferred setting, and then maintains it.

Humidifier Installation Mistakes

However, if your humidifier is unable to do this, there can be some issues keeping it from doing so. It can include faulty wiring, damaged machines, or it can also be thanks to improper installation.

However, before you jump to any of these conclusions, even before you bring home a humidifier, here’s what you need to make sure.

  • Make sure that the humidifier is big enough to cover the entire space without exhausting. Figure out what size of humidifier you need for your space.
  • Always buy from a trusted source to avoid any future complications. 
  • Consider your preferences first, and they select the type of humidifier that’s ideal for you. 
  • Take into consideration the conditions of the space that you’re humidifying. For example, a room damaged by the flood will require a powerful model, even if it’s smaller in dimensions.

These are a few basic things to keep in mind to ensure the machine is sufficient for your space. But, even after all this, if the humidifier is not working, you should check to see if you’ve installed it well or not.

In this article, we’ll discuss the common mistakes users make when they’re installing a humidifier, and how you can avoid similar mistakes. So, without further ado, let’s get started!

DIY vs. Professional Installation

First and foremost, it’s essential to understand your limitations when it comes to installing a new humidifier in your home. If you have a compact model, you can do it yourself with ease. At least the initial process remains the same in most cases, which is, find a power source, plug the machine in, and turn the switch on. 

However, with bigger models such as a whole-house humidifier, which includes furnace type humidifiers, and even the commercial humidifiers, have a bit complicated installation process, which may require professional intervention. 

If you have any doubts about the process, you can get in contact with a professional. At the very least, you should get an opinion from somebody, a friend, a neighbor, or a relative, who has some experience with this. Whenever you are installing, be prepared.

Follow the steps carefully, and ensure that the process goes smoothly.

5 Common humidifier installation mistakes and how you can avoid them

1. Placement

Placement plays a crucial role in the proper installation of your humidifier. There are spots in your space that are ideal for placing your humidifier, and from where your humidifier can cover the whole area comfortably. Although some humidifiers may have a rotating nozzle that gives coverage advantage to those models, still, placing the humidifier is a crucial step of the process. You should make sure that the humidifier can reach the entirety of the room with ease. 

It goes for all of the models, weather smaller, or bigger. 

Generally, away from the wall, and on a pedestal of some sort is an excellent way to go. The middle of the room can be an ideal place for some humidifiers as well. Here’s our guide to where to place a humidifier.

2. Power Input/Output

When you’re installing a humidifier, make sure that the power source is compatible with the model. Sometimes, plugging in the wrong spot can affect the model, and over time can cause damage to the device as well. 

Along with this, you should also check if there are any issues with the wiring of your place. If there are any issues with the electrical system, you should get it fixed before you start using the device. 

You should also check the device to see if it is damaged in any way beforehand. That’ll save you a lot of trouble. 

Always turn the switch on when you’ve plugged in the device. Also, never yank the plug when the power is on. Never refill or clean the humidifier when its plugged in either.

3. Monitoring Devices (Humidistat)

More compact models come with a built-in humidistat. However, larger whole-house models may require separate humidistat.  

Humidistat is crucial when it comes to monitoring, adjusting, and maintaining the humidity levels inside your home. You need to make sure that it’s working at its full capacity.

It is better to go for the independent installation of your humidifier, instead of with the heating system’s operation. In this way, you can get the benefit of humidification, independent of your heating system. The ideal humidity level is about 40-50%, and you can get the ideal setting with the help of a well- set up humidifier.

Lis of the best humidifier with a built-in humidistat

4. Water and Drainage

Since many of the large units require drainage settings for excess water, along with a steady water supply system, it becomes a crucial part of the installation to ensure that everything is proper.

You should check the ideal placement for your humidifier, and also check on the water supply and drainage. If there’s any leak in the system, it can be problematic for your space.

Ensuring that every leak is alright, and there’s nothing that can interfere with the humidification process. If you think that there’s any problem with it, you should get it fixed as soon as possible.

5. Inspection

When you’ve installed the device, check the system to see if the device is working suitably. If there’s an issue with the unit, whether compact humidifier or whole-house, get it replaced asap. Check each function to determine if it is good to use.

After you’ve done that, you can begin enjoying its benefits.


Although maintenance may be an alien in this list, it’s still worth mentioning that maintenance is something you should always keep in mind while installing. Smaller humidifiers are easy to clean and operate, while bigger whole house units can be a challenge. Compact humidifiers require regular maintenance, you should make sure that it is accessible to you, from wherever you’ve placed it. After installation, regular maintenance is necessary, like cleaning, changing the filters, changing the water (if it’s been standing for a while), and so on. 

With bigger models, although maintenance is not required so frequently, it is still important to place them somewhere professionals can easily access them for servicing. Make sure that the draining system is working well so that the excess water is not standing for a long while. It can be harmful, and you should try to keep the water fresh. 

When you’re not using the humidifier, make sure to clean, dry, and then store it away in a dry area.


You need to pay attention from the very first step, which is determining the needs of your space and then finding the right model for it. Half of the struggle is just that. 

When you’re installing the device, make sure you have everything you need. Check the space, and the power outlets to ensure that everything is working fine. Placement plays a crucial part in the installation process. 

If you have any doubts, you can look online, refer to the installation guide that comes with the model, ask a friend or a family member, or get in contact with a professional. Whatever you do, make sure that the device is working well.

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