Why Do You Need a Humidifier and How To Choose One?

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Last Updated: February 25, 2025

Most of us have felt that dry air on our skin making us uncomfortable and a bit itchy, at some point or another. To some of us, it’s just a passing experience. But in some places, low humidity is a guest that just won’t leave. In such climates, humidifiers become an essential part of the household. Just like fans and ACs in summer’s heat and heaters in the winters.

Humidity is the amount of water vapor or moisture if you will, present in the air. The ideal moisture content in the air should be around 30-40 percent. Sometime’s, especially in the winters, the humidity level drops very low and it can cause all sorts of health and other problems. Humidifier aims to remedy all those problems by restoring the air moisture content to the ideal level. That is why a humidifier is your best friend for winter holidays. Down below are some points that highlight what a humidifier does.

Why do you need a humidifier

Understand why do you need a humidifier

1. Prevents the cold attack

There is always a chance of you getting a runny red nose and cough in the winters. This is mainly due to low humidity levels. A humidifier, by restoring the humidity level to normal, prevents any chance of you getting a cold attack. Also, using a humidifier means you get to breathe in pure air supply, devoid of any germs and dust particles.

2. Prevents dryness

Due to dryness of mucous membrane in the linings of nose and throat, you may experience respiratory distress. Humidifier makes sure that your mucous membrane does not lose its moisture and you can breathe normally. Your skin also gets moisture from the use of humidifiers.

3. A useful tool for dispensing medication

Humidifiers like steam humidifiers or vaporizers can be used for dispensing medication for coughs and cold. The process is simpler than you’d imagine. Just put in the inhalant in with the water and when the steam will come out of the humidifier to get mixed with the room air, it’ll contain the medication. A smooth way to get better.

4. Protects your furniture

Did you know that low humidity levels can also affect the furniture in your house? With changing humidity levels, wood can swell or shrink. If your furniture seems shakier and a bit cracked up, you can thank the low humidity levels of your home.

Humidifiers basically prevent any damage that low humidity might cause to your furniture from happening. You can see humidifiers in industries and art museums where they are used to maintain the humidity levels for optimal performance and preservation of articles.

5. It’s saving you from getting a shock

It might shock you to know that a humidifier literally is a safeguard against static charges that build up in a low humid environment and get released through conductive materials such as door knobs. You might have experienced a mild shock or two in the winters. It happens because in low humidity static charges don’t dissipate easily and get build up.

6. Let’s your wine age in peace

If you are a wine lover, your wine cellar is a place where you’d want a humidifier. The wine cork which is made of wood can fall victim to humidity changes. A humidifier keeps the air in the best shape for anything and everything that you want to store and keep safe from humidity change.

A question in everyone’s head- Which Humidifier do I need to go with Or Simply How To Choose One?

(*I make a living through purchases made through my affiliate sites, such as Amazon.com and others.)

There are a lot of humidifier options available for you in the market, but Honeywell humidifiers have been a people’s favorite for years. The fortune 100 company does not waste its consumers and provides a huge range of well-designed options. From evaporative humidifiers to ultrasonic, they have it all. The company has been in existence 1906, manufacturing products for a range of industries.

Honeywell prides itself on always being on the front line of innovation. Top humidifier models from Honeywell such as Bypass drum humidifier (HE12OA), Electrode Humidifier [with HumidiPRO H6062 Digital Humidity Control (HM750A1000)], and Bypass flow-through humidifier with water-saving technology (HE280), are some of the very best Honeywell has produced so far. Superior technology, coupled with good price range make these humidifiers a must acquire items.

Most of Honeywell products are compatible with many of today’s smart home brands. If you are an owner of a smart home, Honeywell products might make you feel right at home. The company is known for providing exceptional service and support to its customers.

To buy a Honeywell humidifier, you have many options. You can either go to Honeywell’s numerous retail partners, or you can order a unit online. You can also check out various other high-end home appliances from Honeywell to make your home environment the best it can be.

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